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Maybe I am not playing with a full deck. My bike and I got slammed by that car on a dark road two weeks ago Monday night.

The red Schwinn has gone to bicycle heaven but I’m still walking and squawking. I think the shock to my frontal lobe may have been beneficial as I find I am making better decisions daily.

Anyway, I don’t buy the romantic notion that people pleaser Manny Pacquaio, the guy who wins so humbly and always says he is just doing his job in beating up opponents, feeds off dramatic tension in his inner circle.

Muhammad Ali did but Pacman doesn’t have the same type of personality that Ali did. They are different fighters from different backgrounds in different eras.

I think that on some night, in some ring, the tension convention that is Team Pacquiao is going help drag Megamanny down to defeat.

I’m not saying it will be Nov. 14 because cagey Bob Arum never would have matched Miguel Cotto with his Pinoy Cash Cow unless he was so advised that Cotto’s skills are on an irreversible skid.

In Arum’s mind, Cotto’s assignment is be Pacman fodder, to fatten up the Golden Calf for the Big One against Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr., Arum’s former charge.

Arum and his Top Rank henchmen, particularly sagacious matchmaker Bruce “Southland” Trampler, only expect the Boricua Bomber to be slightly competitive, no pushover, but not someone who will shock the world by derailing the Megamanny Express.

Which brings me back to the hate fest in the inner circle.

Coach Freddie Roach is a professional. So is Buboy Fernandez. They need to put their intense dislike of Bob Buttinsky, I mean Nosy Mike Koncz, aside in the best interests of a Pacman victory.

Call it a temporary truce but it should be declared immediately.

Maybe Eric Pineda can play the diplomat's role in the volatile situation.

Roach never wanted burnout Jose Luis Castillo as a sparring partner in Baguio but yet and so the Mexican Mauler is there as a battering ram for Manny.

Since when did Agent Koncz start making sparmate employment decisions? Roach told me that he had no interested in punched ticket Castillo as a body for target practice.

That’s just another black smoke signal emanating from Baguio, a place where Roach did not want to have Manny train in the first place.

Is Roach losing his firm grip over training camp decisions?

Only a blind man could not see that.

Which gets me to Arum who just spent four fun filled days and nights in Baguio.

Pacman’s camp is wonderful, Arum says. All is well, Arum says. It’s like a boxing Disneyland, Arum says.

They say that, in the land of blind, the one-eyed man is King.

Somebody had Uncle Bob a crown.

Arum can paint all the Pollyanna pictures he wants but the smoke signals from Baguio remain troubling.



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